who i am
i am a collection of thoughts attempting to form a coherent shape.
"happiness is not a reward-it is a consequence. suffering is not a punishment-it is a result. - robert g. ingersoll
this section serves no real purpose, but convention dictates that such things exist.
i am lucienne. i analyze. i deconstruct. i exist on the periphery.
expect nothing here to be consistent.
- i spend more time thinking about the nature of meaning than actually engaging with it.
- most human behaviors are predetermined by biological and cultural programming.
- the idea of a ‘self’ is a persistent but necessary illusion.
- control is an illusion, but the alternative is worse.
- there is no true rebellion—only deviations that will eventually be assimilated.
hobbies & interests
i consume media with the intent of dissection rather than enjoyment.
- video games: cod, val, ow2, twd, lis, silent hill 2, half-life, the talos principle, deus eux, detroit become human, pathologic, dark souls series, and anything with emergent mechanics or a rich storyline.
- film: horror, sci-fi, psychological thrillers, etc. the ones that linger. the ones that disturb.
- books: history, philosophy, science, mathematics, and existential thought. world war ii holds a particular fascination.
- music: melancholic sounds resonate the most.
- physical activities: shooting/marksmanship, walking at night, climbing, archery, swimming (only in isolation). efficient movement appeals to me.
- programming: python, c.
- large crowds and sensory overload.
- authority figures dictating the terms of my existence.
- bright environments—too much light reveals too much.
- the inevitability of cultural assimilation.
everything is a construct.
- identity: a narrative imposed on an organism.
- happiness: a biochemical reaction misinterpreted as purpose.
- morality: a fluctuating system of enforced norms.
- freedom: a paradox. escape one structure, enter another.
there is no conclusion.